US and UK english

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Two words with one meaning

“The British and Americans are divided by a common language” – George Bernard Shaw

In this post u can write the phrases for which UK and USA enlish have different words.
e.g. : “road passing over another” is called “flyover” in UK english and “overpass” in USA english.

place to cross a street on foot

UK english: pedestrian crossing
USA english: crosswalk
1. glass in front of a car
UK english: windscreen
USA english: windshield

2. long piece of metal used for radio reception
UK english: aerial
USA english: antenna

3. metal over the wheel to keep mud off
UK english: mud guard
USA english: fender

4. what we eat with milk, tea or coffee
UK english: biscuit
USA english: cookie

5. the floor of a building that is level with the ground
UK english: ground floor
USA english: first floor

1. a group of people waiting for their turn
UK english: queue
USA english: line

2. container for household waste
UK english: dust bin
USA english: trash can

3. type of transport run on metal rails
UK english: railway
USA english: railroad

4. heavy goods vehicle
UK english: lorry
USA english: truck

5. code used when sorting mail / post
UK english: postcode
USA english: zip code

1. the dot at the end of a sentence
UK english: full stop
USA english: period

2. the area next to a street where pedestrians walk
UK english: pavement
USA english: sidewalk

3. dwelling in a large building
UK english: flat
USA english: apartment

small pointed thing used to pin papers onto walls
UK:drawing pin
US:thumb tack
free telephone call paid by company
UK:free phone
US:toll free
four wheeled private vehicle
a self contained section of television
UK-Pronounced Same as Indian English
US- Noospay-e-papers

About Archer

A simple living-high thinking human being

2 responses »

  1. You are giving good information about US and UK english. Just keep it up.


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